Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's Begun

Last night I knit my gauge swatch and came out 4 stitches to 1". EZ had 5 stitches to 1", so I have calculated the number of stitches I need to make a sweater just for me. EZ recommends that to change the size, increase or decrease the number of stitches between the pattern. I am going to have to add just a few to make it work for me -- about eight total or two per pattern (four on the front and four on the back). Easy peasy, right? I hope so!

Had to pick up the needles for the full sweater; I only had a 16" #4, so that wouldn't work, obviously, for the sweater, since it is knit in the round.

Tonight: I cast on! Wish me luck in counting 220 stitches!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January: Aran Sweater

The first project in EZ's "Knitter's Alamanc" is an Aran sweater.

I have some lovely local worsted that I am going to use. I bought eight skeins at SAFF a few years ago and it has been waiting for a project.

My sweater will be a cardigan. I wear these more than pullovers and really want a cream colored one.

Tonight I am going to start the swatch piece and see if I can get the gauge I need... From how I see it, I will have to knit about four inches every day to finish this by the end of the month. That will give me three days to work up my courage to cut the sweater to sew in the sleeves and another three days to recover...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Quest

It started with this.
I learned to knit in graduate school from a friend who convinced me that knitting was better than drinking.
I haven't stopped since.
I knit on through all events:
births, deaths, deployments, class,
driving (only at stop lights),
and even during movies.
I shop for yarn like most folks
shop for shoes. Only, I have more fun.
I ordered this book years ago
and have read it several times since.
Now, it is time to accept the challenge:
knit my way through the "Almanac"
one month and one project at a time.

Wanna come play?